In Stillness Harold Ross SunflowerStill Life with Bubble VaseWarriorLamp and Flash GunCone, Ball and AnvilAvocadoBlue Cloth with MarbleBlue PlanetBrass ScaleGreen AnvilSpoolsSleeve Bearing with Steel SphereItalian Coffee GrinderMy Grandfather’s PipesOil Can With MarbleStill Life with Copper FunnelStill Life with Grapes and Copper VesselStill Life with Green Vase and WalnutsStill Life with Silver PitcherThe Savoy CameraGreen and Blue BottlesGlobe with RadioCoffee GrinderStill Life with Copper PotStill Life with Pencil Sharpener and Steel BallStill Life with Sake Bottle and MarbleStill Life with Scale and ScissorsStill Life with Mandolin #1Still LIfe With Mandolin #2